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Open pdc file without license

open pdc file without license
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I also wanted to address what would happen if another application was already using the CutePDF Writer and was waiting for a user to click on the Save button of an active dialog. was this dialog created by the CPWSave program? GetModuleBaseName(hProcess, NULL, Buffer, _countof(Buffer)) HANDLE hProcess = OpenProcess (PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWnd, &ProcessID) Get the ID of the app that owns this dialog If (_tcsicmp(Buffer, DIALOG_CLASS_NAME) = 0) GetClassName(hWnd, Buffer, _countof(Buffer)) I could probably add a few more checks, but at this point I can be fairly certain that the window found is the proper Save As dialog.īOOL CALLBACK CCutePDFWriter::GetSaveAsDialogProc(HWND hWnd, LPARAM lp) If it is, then I check if the dialog is owned by the CPWSave.exe program. In the callback function, I first check if the top level window is a dialog by checking if the class name is " #32770" which is the class name for dialogs. So I used the EnumWindows API to list all the top level Windows on the system. The dialog is not a child of the calling application, but instead is a child of the CPWSave.exe application. I also tried to fix the problem I had with actually finding the proper "Save As" dialog.

open pdc file without license

#Open pdc file without license pdf

I then discovered that the last folder used was saved in the Windows registry, and I realized that by changing that registry value to point to the folder where I wanted to save my PDF file the Save As dialog would use the folder I wanted, not the last one used by some other random application.

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All was well as long as no other app also used the CutePDF Writer to print a PDF file as it always defaulted the folder in the Save As dialog to the last folder used by any app. The main problem I had though was specifing the folder that the CutePDF Writer was going to save the PDF file to. But this approach had several problems including the unreliability of FindWindow, and what would happen if another application also happened to have a Save As dialog open at the same time. My first attempt, which worked fairly well, was to simply find the "Save As" dialog using the FindWindow API, and simulating a click on the Save button by posting a BN_CLICKED command to the dialog. I already had the CutePDF Writer installed on my system, so it was only natural that I use it. So I decided to it would be better to simply print to a PDF file that I could make a hard copy of if I needed one. I used to have it print out on paper, but I found that to be a waste of paper as I would usually only read it once and then toss it. It's job is to print out a summary report of the previous days activities. I have a small app that is scheduled to run every morning at 5:00 AM.

#Open pdc file without license free

This class makes it possible to use the free CutePDF Writer without user interaction. The shortcoming is that the "Save As" dialog always pops up so it is impossible to print to a PDF file without user interaction. This article presents a class that is a hack around a shortcoming in the free CutePDF Writer.

#Open pdc file without license download

  • Download CutePDFWriter class files - 3.31 KB.

  • Open pdc file without license